We believe every

STORY is worth



"Living closely with native populations, immersing myself in their ancestral rituals, and capturing my emotions in frames."

Stefano Lotumolo wins the Indepentent Photo Award 2023

Judge : Steve Mc Curry

“The intriguing thing about this image is the way that the figures in the ceremonial dress and masks are juxtaposed with the young boy gazing up at them wearing a modern shirt in the same color palette. The light, the composition, and the framing of the figures between the windows direct the eye towards the main focal point and then the small boy acts as a counterpoint. It is a gentle but vivid contrast between traditionalism and modernity.”

"Inspired By The People: extraordinary success for the first stop of Stefano Lotumolo's traveling exhibition in Lucca.

On June 29, with a record of over 75,000 attendees, the Lucca exhibition, the first leg of Inspired By People, the latest work by Stefano Lotumolo, concluded: seven years of photography around the world narrated through 129 selected shots, to show his vision of the beauty enclosed in the everyday life of other human beings with different customs and traditions. Stefano portrays the simplicity of ethnic groups anchored to ancestral traditions, focusing also on current issues such as the climate crisis and the revolution in Myanmar.”

Stefano Lotumolo: The Princes of the Earth: My Life Among the Maasai.

Crafted with light and vision

Monday, July 31, 2023, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM, at the Chapel of the Assumption, within the museum path of the Monumental Complex of Sant’Anna dei Lombardi (Naples), the photographer Stefano Lotumolo, in collaboration with New Art Way, will inaugurate the photographic exhibition “The Earth’s Principles: My Life Among the Maasai.”

Inspired By The people - Italian Tour
  • Inspired By the People - Italian Tour

    "Celebrating the Human Essence: Inspired by the People" is a majestic and engaging work, the result of seven years of dedication and passion by the talented Stefano Lotumolo, a photographer with an anthropological eye and a heart throbbing with curiosity.
  • Through his lenses, Stefano has done more than just capture simple images; he has woven a visual narrative that tells stories of cultures, traditions, and lives in Asia and Africa. This project is not just a collection of photographs, but an emotional journey that invites us to reflect on the pure and authentic beauty of these cultures, and on the contemporary challenges that put them at risk.

Radici Globali (Global Roots)

Stefano Lotumolo's commitment to soil regeneration

From sweeping landscapes that transport you to distant realms, to intimate portraits that reveal the depth of human emotions, Compose Photography transcends the ordinary and delves into the extraordinary.

Capturing Life's Melodies Through the Lens

Compose Photography album invites you to immerse yourself in a realm of unparalleled beauty and artistic expression.

Benjamin Kean